Books by
Jonathan Last

All three of my books are out now:
two novels and one memoir, each published in paperback and e-book.
Also check out my blog, Last Movie Reviews.


Read all about them...

Thank you for visiting my author page. Please scroll down for summaries of each of my three books, followed by more detailed blurbs.

Diary of a Young Filmmaker

A heartfelt coming of age novel about a teenager chasing his dream of being a film director, no matter what it takes."Moving, humorous... a real joy.""Warmly observed."

The Great Football Conspiracy

This hilarious yet illuminating comedy thriller novel has been called 'The Da Vinci Code' meets 'Fever Pitch'."A fun and entertaining read.""It's about the importance of fans."

Teaching with Chopsticks

The warts-and-all memoir of an amateur who's seriously out of his depth teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) in South Korea."Had me laughing out loud.""I didn't want the story to end."


Diary of a
Young Filmmaker

It’s 1995, and 16-year-old social misfit Stephen Ricketts is determined to be a movie director. He’s made enough no-budget splatter shorts now and has decided to just go for it and make his first feature film.But it isn't going to be easy. Not only does he have few resources beyond a Hi8 camcorder, some equally inept friends and a bucket of fake blood, he also has to contend with raging hormones, peer pressure, trying to get into pubs, winging his A Levels, and coming up with ways to raise funds for the movie – no matter how humiliating.


The Great Football Conspiracy

Football fans always think that there is a conspiracy against their club... so what if they were right?On the first day of the new football season, disgraced ex-coach Frank Tuttle stumbles upon a global plot to corrupt the game and the ancient quest that he must take to stop it.Frank solves clues around London's stadia, delving deeper into a scandal that involves players, managers, FA employees and PR agencies, leading to a dark secret deep within Wembley.Can Frank defend his reputation, tackle his failing marriage, and save football – all before 3pm?


Teaching with Chopsticks

TEFL from the Frontline.Seeking a new challenge and to break out of his comfort zone, recently graduated Brit Jonathan Last took his lack of classroom experience and wariness about children onto a plane to South Korea, into a job teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL).He turned his year in Asia into this fascinating, honest insight into a diverse industry full of characters and conflicts. His often fun, sometimes painful, frequently hilarious journey saw him thinking on his feet and learning fast – including many things about himself.

Thank you!

I live in London, England, and have worked as a teacher, a journalist and a professional editor. I'm married with one son and one cat.I'd love to hear what you think about my books, so please leave a review on Amazon, or you can email me directly using the envelope icon below.

© Jonathan Last. All rights reserved.